Jan 17, 20183 min read
Zaman and the impeccable reforms
Zaman felt a dreariness that he had felt many times before. It was an annoying presence initially, a reminder of the mediocre existence...

Dec 18, 20172 min read
Book Review: The Modern Monk by Hindol Sengupta
Image via DNA Hindol Sengupta’s “The Modern Monk” is a book you should read and re-read if you seek to understand Swami Vivekananda, his...

Nov 16, 20173 min read
On Media and Activism (Part II)
This is a continuation of the article that I wrote titled “On Media and Activism“. This article will continue on the same question: “Is...

Nov 14, 20174 min read
Industrialization: an examination of land usage in Kerala
An article examining land usage in Kerala and the question of industrialization. A paddy field in Kozhikode. Paddy production has...

Nov 13, 20173 min read
On media and activism
Social Media has revolutionized the way we perceive our media. A question that has been of much interest is the role of media in...

Nov 7, 20172 min read
Of an October that I did not live
Lenin was a childhood idol of mine. Source: TIME Magazine Some thoughts and recollections on the 100th anniversary of the October...

Oct 30, 20174 min read
The Space Race: Motivations and Consequences
This post is a personal commentary on the space race and the consequences and results from it. It is intended to understand the nature of...

Sep 29, 20172 min read
WEF: Flawed method to asses judicial independence
The Spectator Index tweeted this, on judicial independence: I found it very interesting and amusing — what criteria did they use to...

Sep 29, 20172 min read
The Indian legal system needs reforms, and it needs them now.
One of the most atrocious features of the Indian Legal system is its tendency to complicate itself. The legal system, far from acting as...

Sep 11, 20174 min read
Free Speech: Examination of two recent scenarios
A.K.A. ON Free Speech, Part -II This is the second part, or continuation of an earlier article written titled “On Free Speech” , and is...

Sep 11, 20172 min read
On Free Speech
There has been a debate on the issue of free speech in some twitter circles. Here are my thoughts: (For context, see the twitter...

Jul 13, 20174 min read
MASUKA: Stupidity of the first order
A photo from the release of the MASUKA Act, on July 7 (Credits: The Quint) Recently, the Mainstream English Media has been tirelessly...
Feb 5, 20163 min read
The Lost History
The scars that 200 years of Western Colonization left behind in India are many. One of those many scars is the loss of our history. Our...
Dec 13, 20154 min read
Climate Change: The Politics
Responding to a question in the Democratic Presidential Debate, Bernie Sanders, an independent Senator form Vermont, responded that...

Dec 5, 20157 min read
The full response (or “Pseudo-Secularlism” versus “Hindutva” Agenda)
Two news articles that came in the Electronic Media caught my attention and they called to my convictions, my opinions. The topics are at...