
Apr 17, 202311 min read
Tharoor's Kerala Jaunt: A Fool's Errand or A Pragmatic Choice?
Shashi Tharoor wants to become Kerala's Chief Minister. Will Congress hand him the mantle? When Shashi Tharoor entered politics in Kerala...

Jun 7, 20214 min read
Ludo, Chappals and more: Why Courts decide on what seems inane
Courts decide on what seem to be inane matters regularly, why? Our Constitutional Courts rightly receive a significant amount of scrutiny...

Jun 5, 20212 min read
Is Twitter going to be banned?
Too Long, Don't Read: NO. For an explanation, Read on. The question of whether or not Twitter is going to be banned or not has dominated...

Apr 23, 20219 min read
Why a Super League? Club football's deal with the devil
12 major European Clubs were going to form their own "super-league". It crashed and burned. An exploration of the reasons behind creation...