
Jan 17, 20244 min read
Thoughts on the Pran-Prathishta at Ayodhya
The great epics of the world almost always have been about the triumph of a great hero. In these stories, against all odds, the hero...

Apr 17, 202311 min read
Tharoor's Kerala Jaunt: A Fool's Errand or A Pragmatic Choice?
Shashi Tharoor wants to become Kerala's Chief Minister. Will Congress hand him the mantle? When Shashi Tharoor entered politics in Kerala...

Dec 29, 20229 min read
Federalism Elsewhere: Canada's "Nations Within A Nation"
Alberta wants to enact a Sovereignty Act over the hostility and neglect of the Canadian Federal Government. It shows that fundamental...

Feb 24, 20223 min read
The Governor: not a mere lapdog
Or at least not intended as such - An exploration of Article 167 of the Constitution The contentious nature of the relationship between...

Sep 18, 20213 min read
How effective is the Atrocities Act & the Criminal Justice System as a whole?
Looking at the numbers from the NCRB Data for the Atrocities Act A lot of Twitter controversy has surrounded the Scheduled Castes &...

Jul 9, 20214 min read
CoWIN: an unheralded success
CoWIN's success as a vaccine management has been crucial in the fight against COVID-19.

Jul 8, 20218 min read
Analysing The “Right to Repair” & India’s Possible Choices
Analysing The “Right to Repair” & India’s Possible Choices in Creating a More Sustainable Electronics Industry

Jun 7, 20214 min read
Ludo, Chappals and more: Why Courts decide on what seems inane
Courts decide on what seem to be inane matters regularly, why? Our Constitutional Courts rightly receive a significant amount of scrutiny...

Jun 5, 20212 min read
Is Twitter going to be banned?
Too Long, Don't Read: NO. For an explanation, Read on. The question of whether or not Twitter is going to be banned or not has dominated...

Jun 4, 20217 min read
Monsoon thoughts, June 2021.
A random assortment of opinions as Monsoon 2021 starts. The past month has not been easy for me (personally) at all in many ways....
Apr 30, 20214 min read
A Few Quick Thoughts On Compulsory Licensing of COVID-19 Vaccines
The Supreme Court suggested today that action be undertaken for compulsory licensing - but that might not be the panacea to scaling...

Apr 29, 20217 min read
Eroom's Law might be broken partially, and that will be a great breakthrough
A few musings on how COVID-19 vaccine development has changed the pharma industry. It’s been a year since the COVID-19 Pandemic broke out...

Apr 23, 20219 min read
Why a Super League? Club football's deal with the devil
12 major European Clubs were going to form their own "super-league". It crashed and burned. An exploration of the reasons behind creation...