Below is the first issue of my newsletter:
A Newsletter by Ananth Krishna
Vol.1, Issue 1
25 January 2017
This is my attempt at a newsletter, to create both a dialogue and forum of discussion, as well as to expose the readers to a variety of diverse perspectives. The title (चित्) means awareness or consciousness. सच्चिदानन्द (Satcitānanda, Satchidānanda, or Sat-cit-ānanda) encapsulates a principle in Indian thought: that of pious thoughts(Satchhit) resulting in “consciousness” or “awareness”, resulting in, ultimately, Ānanda or bliss. That being said, whether the Chhit being created in you is Sat (goodness) in nature is up to you.
I will try to be as regular with this as I possibly can. Starting off, I think I’ll do it every day (mainly because I’m jobless over the weekend). I’ll cover as many topics and interests as possible, both in the international, national and state arenas. I will try to remain as objective in my portrayal as possible, but most probably my biases will show.
I will attempt to bring the best of content forward, but sometimes, I will include my own posts. 😛
Anyways, here’s the first edition:
International News
Trump maybe finally separating himself from his business empire, while being sued for violating the US Constitution’s emolument clause as his Hotels are regularly used by foreign representatives.
Trump has already, by an executive order, removed US from the Trans Pacific Partnership. Dhruva Jaishankar argues that it may create a short term respite for India, but we are worse off in the long run.
China, of course looks forward to filling that vacuum that US has new left open.This looks like an increasing sign that China will evolve into a larger player in the international arena, as the US recedes its position inward. But don’t get excited/dismayed yet. The United States is still the only country with power projection all over the world, and has significantly superior weapons technology that China can hope to match in 20 years. Obama even taunted China at the UN 2 years ago.
Swapna Sundar argues in The Hindu that science is the only way to ensure the viability to native breeds. The Hindu also glanced through the government’s disinvestment plan in its editorial, especially, in the face of the government deciding to dis-invest from General Insurers. The Hindu editorial also covered the issue of India’s missing girls.
An article on DailyO, meanwhile talks about the ailment of the Indian Railways. Experts’ meanwhile emphasis the need for investment in railway infrastructure.
The list of Padma awardees have been praised profusely. The list includes 78 year old Kalari practitioner, Meenakshi Amma, is left no more an unsung hero. Read this Newsminute piece that appeared February 2016. On a related note, you can read what ails the growth of Kalari as a martial arthere, by me.
Read this Trump Style guide.
That brings to an end the first issue of Chhit. (Also, I’m in the process of renaming my blog into Chhit)
Feedback is welcome.
Thank you,
Ananth Krishna S